
Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Trip to Berkeley, California

I recently returned from a short trip to Berkeley, CA where I was invited to give a presentation about why I love to use Stillman and Birn paper and to try out some new products coming out later this year. That's the reason I went, but the experience was so much more amazing than even just that alone.

I met so many kind art supply reps, artists, art store owners and even just people in the area who were so kinda and said amazingly flattering things about me that the whole trip felt like a dream. I was told by many that they loved having me there and that they really enjoyed my art and hoped that I could make all my dreams happen. Well, this was certainly one of them.

As a kid, my favorite books to have were related to art, especially when we would get art supply catalogs in the mail. I never would have thought, some 20 years later, that I would be befriending and networking with art supply people or with stores who have told they want me to come by and do demos at their stores. It was an amazing experience and one that I'll always remember!

Thank you to everyone who I spoke with, presented to, and just was there to make this event a blast! I also want to thank Stillman and Birn, specifically Michael, for inviting me to the event and for taking a chance on me to help promote your product! Now it's time for me to get back to drawing, I have a convention to prepare for!

Below are some of the drawings that I did while on the trip, all of which were done in a new type of Stillman and Birn sketchbook that is one of the best sketchbooks I've ever had. I filled up at least 12-15 pages of it in 3 days, and I can't wait to share more of it!

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