
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Requiem Sonata pencils, prologue: 1-4 and Chapter 1: 1-4

I've been drawing! It's been too long since I was making comic pages, and yes I still want to finish Curse of the Eel, but I needed a break and this is what I've got. Requiem Sonata is about a detective named Simoné who is a big fan of Zhi, a young professional pianist who has been performing worldwide since she was a little girl. I won't say too much but I hope you like the pages. Also this comic is drawn in a Stillman and Birn Alpha and Beta sketchbook, as I plan to use watercolor, WC pencils and pastels on the music scenes. This is the only paper I'd trust for a comic like this, but yes, I have pages to show. I'm sorry some of the scans aren't super crisp, my pencils are a little light in spots so if I push them up too far in Photoshop the lighter tones which hold some drawings together just vanish. For the sake of clarity, I've made them as dark as I can and pushed the white as much as I can, but you'll see it a lot more crisply in the inks and beyond.

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