
Saturday, July 13, 2013

The New West, Li pages 3-5 Pencils and LATE LATE Heroes Con report

I do still draw comics, I swear! I've recently been lucky to do some try out pages for a possible book, and in the interim of waiting to hear if I got it, I've been trying to keep busy by doing some personal projects. This passed week I finished these 3 pages in a really scattered fashion, but they're completed as far as the pencils go.

I'm trying to incorporate some manga techniques into these pages, like the dramatic funny moment, or the large panel of just an angry face. It took me a while to get my anatomy and storytelling to a place where it's actually solid so now it's time to look back and incorporate some of that energy and emotion that manga does so well back into my new comics. There are already great artists utilizing manga effects and storytelling techniques in their comics, so why not take mine in that direction, especially since I spent 8+ years studying them and did at least 1000 pages trying to learn the skills.

Also, a MONTH ago, I went to Heroes Con but I never made a post about how it was. It was glorious, and I REALLY needed it. Life's been kicking me in the butt lately so I needed a good weekend away from all the worry and fuss. I shared a table with Mike Freiheit, as I think I mentioned in the first post, and wow, thanks Mike for being an awesome table mate and for making me feel welcome and not so alone at my first time exhibiting at a professional comic show. I made a bunch of new friends, made a little bit of folding money and generally was happy to hear that I didn't suck. I'm always afraid that eventually I'll get the portfolio review that ends with "I think you should cut your hands off." I got some really great and helpful portfolio reviews from Tradd Moore, James Harren, and Andrew Robinson; I had dinner with Scott Chantler and Conor McCreery; and Matteo Scalera and Eric Canete came by my table and got a couple of my books! That weekend was the highlight of my year, and when I left I felt ready to attack the world after a good nights sleep. I also owe that entire experience to Shawn Crystal, the head of the SEQA department at SCAD. If it weren't for him I would have missed out on such a great weekend at my absolute favorite convention.

Okay, next time I post, it'll be with pages for an anthology I'm working on. One page penciled, 5 more to go!

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